1] I confirm l have been enrolled and given access to the Learning Management System that contains all the units, coursework, and resources. I understand this portal is managed by Focus and Achieve who are in charge of registration, assessments, quality assurance, and applying for your certificate from the awarding body.
I agree with Etutor Alliance ground rules, terms and conditions. I agree that it is my responsibility to meet all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria in order to earn the Level 4 Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice. It is also my responsibility to ensure all evidence that will make up my portfolio of evidence will be ready and submitted at least 24 hours before the scheduled monthly internal quality assurance activities. I am aware the monthly internal quality assurance date is on the last Tuesday of every month. I am aware it can take up to 48 working hours for the outcome of quality assurance to be published.
2] I am responsible for providing proof of my identity before any certification can take place. I am aware that registration will only take place when l have provided satisfactory proof of identity.
3] I agree that l have enrolled to earn my qualification. I understand l am not buying a qualification. I will only achieve my qualification after meeting all course requirements.
4] I will have access to a multimedia computer, Internet, word processor (Microsoft Office or equivalent), PDF maker, and reader.
5] I will acknowledge all sources and provide references. Not doing so is cheating or fraud. I am aware Etutor Alliance has a zero-tolerance policy regarding plagiarism which could result in being withdrawn from the course.
6] I understand l will be assessed at the same level as someone completing the first year of an undergraduate degree. Achievement at Level 4 reflects the ability to identify and use relevant understanding, methods and skills to complete tasks and address problems that, while well defined, have a measure of complexity. It includes taking responsibility for initiating and completing tasks and procedures as well as exercising autonomy and judgment within limited parameters. I will be expected to use references and reflect an awareness of different perspectives or approaches within my area of study or work.
7] I am aware of how to access the portal that contains information about Health and Safety, Confidentiality, Equality and Diversity, Candidate Charter, Refunds, Complaints, and Appeals procedures.
8] Although l am a customer, I agree my primary role is that of being a candidate. I am expected to follow the assessment plan in place. I am aware the course is candidate-driven. I am expected to log in and access my course at least twice a week. It is my responsibility to read all the announcements and changes that are published on the portal. It is my responsibility to evidence learning over a period of time. I am responsible for completing and submitting my guided learning hours log with all supporting evidence. I understand my guided learning hours form can be requested at any time. It is my responsibility to participate in activities that will count as contact time and guided learning hours (GHL’s). This will include active participation in all course activities. I can also access the monthly face to face sessions for additional support. I agree that where l choose not to actively participate in course activities, l am expected to complete and submit a weekly learning log every Monday.
9] I am aware Assessors can withhold feedback and assessments if my course participation is not satisfactory. I agree assessors can withhold feedback if there is a requirement for me to discuss my assessments first.
10] I am aware that in order to book a tutorial or appointment l should check availability using the online calendar as a first resort. l will be expected to provide at least three dates and times when l am free. I understand my assessor will aim to match one of the dates and times. Appointments and tutorials will be by video conference (Zoom) with the option to phone in. It is my responsibility to ensure l have access to all adequate resources in order to participate appropriately.
11] I am aware how this course will be assessed as outlined under 'Steps to achieve your qualification'. I agree it is my responsibility to provide evidence that meets all principles of assessment such as being authentic, sufficient, reliable, and current. My evidence has to also fully meet learning outcomes and the assessment criteria. It is also my responsibility to provide all evidence within deadlines set by my assessor, internal quality assurer, and employer (if applicable). I should also meet any applicable corporate deadlines.
12] It is my responsibility to follow standardised procedures and guidance. I agree to complete and submit coursework planners (where required). I will only complete my coursework after receiving feedback for the planners. I agree to adhere to the volume of work limitations. I understand that consent should be sought from my assessor should l wish to submit more work than expected. I should complete and submit weekly learning logs (where required). I agree were required to submit Videos as mp4 and audio files as mp3. Videos should clearly show my participants (where expected) and activities. I understand that my evidence can be rejected if l choose to ignore or not to follow standardised procedures.
13] It is my responsibility to facilitate work visits or observations (where required). I am aware that for observations to take place, l have to complete and submit the online observation request form within the expected timescales. Where Expert witnesses will be used, it is my responsibility to ensure they declare their occupational competency by completing the necessary form. I am aware proof of competency might be needed including qualifications and an up-to-date CV. All evidence from expert witnesses should meet the principles of assessment.
14] I agree the course duration is from 3 to 15 weeks. I understand extensions are possible subject to application by completing the appropriate form. I am aware that extensions, where l have been affected by extenuating circumstances, are granted free. I acknowledge Etutor Alliance reserves the right to charge for any support outside my normal course duration if l do not provide evidence of extenuating circumstances. It is my responsibility to inform my assessor as soon as possible if there are any issues affecting my progress. I am aware that the centre support team will check for these records as part of processing extension requests. I am aware retrospective explanations will not be acceptable.
15] I am aware that my assessor will be withdrawn if there are 8 weeks of unexplained inactivity. I might also be withdrawn from the course if there have been 10 weeks of unexplained inactivity.
16] I agree that l shall adhere to any relevant code of practice and relevant practice standards related to my specialist subject area. I agree that l shall maintain confidentiality at all times and be professional. I shall adhere to the policies of Etutor Alliance, employer, or placement organisation. It is my duty to obey any legislation and respect inclusion, equality, diversity, health, and safety. I agree l shall be subject to Etutor Alliance disciplinary procedures should l be found to have taken part in any malpractice. I will also be subject to procedures that might involve external bodies such as awarding bodies, Ofqual, and the police. l understand that l might be suspended or withdrawn from the course depending on the severity of the issues.
17] I am expected to be professional at all times and work within the Candidate Charter. I will aim to work in partnership with my assessor and everybody involved to demonstrate my competency. I am aware that assessors and all staff have the right not to respond until l have calmed down where l am perceived to have been rude, insulting, unreasonable, offensive, and distressing. I am aware Etutor Alliance has a right to protect its staff from abuse.
18] I am aware that l am subject to disciplinary procedures should l be found to be making libel claims and unfolded allegations.
19] I will inform Etutor Alliance if there is any change to my circumstances such as suspension at work or placement, loss of a job, or any activity that may affect my status as a candidate.
20] I am aware that it is my responsibility to contact the Support Team (contact@etutor.org.uk) for all administration, account and IT issues. I acknowledge this is the only email l should use to correspond with Etutor Alliance.