Course Access and Layout
Your course is accessed from the homepage (the first page you see when you log in on the portal). Please see the example below showing a candidate who has access to at least two courses. You need to click on “See more” to access the course. This will give you access to learning outcomes, units, assessment criteria, tasks and resources.
When you access your course you will come across a layout similar to below:
1] Number 1 indicates your progress when it comes to accessing all the information highlighted on the right-hand side from the introduction to the Coursework Exemplar. It is possible to actually achieve hundred percent completion by simply clicking on all the information and resources without actually reading. Course staff however have access to accurate records that inform us when you access each of the resources and for how long. Please ensure you fully access information regarding ground rules, plagiarism, roles , responsibilities, expert witnesses, principles of assessment, quality of your evidence. Please ignore any messages which will say you have completed the course. The only way you will complete the course is when you have fully met all the assessment criteria and have been signed off by your assessor and quality assured. The software however reminds you of when you last accessed the course.
2] You will also get a message as indicated by 2 which will outline the date and time your course access will expire. Please take note of this date and time. You will usually get a reminder at least 14 days before your course expiry advising you to either complete the course or to apply for an extension. Information regarding extensions is published under “info”, located under the navigation menu above.
3] You are required to complete and submit the service level agreement, Initial assessment and learning agreement within a week from enrolment. The online forms are located under 3.
4] Please refer to 4 (About the course) to assess all learning outcomes and assessment criteria for all the units that make up the course and qualification.
5] You will need to click on 5 (Coursework) to access all the tasks and steps to achieve your qualification. This is also where you can access all the coursework templates.
6] Additional guidance and support regarding your course tasks is available under 6 (Coursework Exemplar).