You will need to follow the 9 steps below in order to achieve the Level 4 Diploma in Learning and Development Qualification. Steps 3,4,5 and 6 address all the two mandatory units. Additional assessments might be required for all criteria to be fully met. Expert witnesses and others are welcome to contribute and confirm your practice.
It is important you negotiate your holistic assessment plan with your assessor as soon as possible to reflect the units and course work you need to complete.
Please do not devise your own assessments. We only accept work which differs from our standardised work only if it is submitted and accepted at the beginning of the course as part of claiming prior learning. Please complete a Coursework Planner prior to tackling assignment 1 and 2.
Choose your optional Units Please use the Optional Units Selection Document to choose your optional units. You must achieve a minimum of 45 credits and complete 2 mandatory units. The mandatory units give you 12 credits. You must select optional units that will give you the remaining 33 credits. |
Demonstrate Learning Task 1 applies throughout your course from start to finish. You should use the forums and actively participate in course activities. Please start by introducing your self and respond to topics. The forums and the web conferences are the main sources of the course delivery, support and meeting guided learning hours. This is also a good source of peer support. Guided learning hours can be met by attending workshops, tutorials, observations and any other interaction with course staff. Guided learning hours are only met when you interact with a member of staff. Please remember the course is not just about completing coursework. The course is made up of Learning Outcomes. You will, therefore, need to demonstrate that learning has taken place over sufficient time. You will need to focus on both participating in course activities and completing coursework. Assessors might not assess your work if you do not participate in course activities. Our quality assurers will not sign you off if you have not satisfactorily met their guided learning hours and participated in course activities. We will not risk our organisation and compromise our current and past candidates by signing off candidates who have not fully met all course requirements. Remember the assessment criteria is made up of learning outcomes! You need to show that learning has taken place! You have enrolled to earn your qualification. We look forward to interacting with you on all our platforms and face to face where applicable. |
Prior Learning and Work Products
If you intend to apply for recognition of prior learning you need to make your application within two weeks of your enrolment. Please use the appropriate online form located under forms. It is important that you identify work products within your work place that can assist you to demonstrate your practice. This can include records of interacting with clients,referrals, individual learning plans, initial assessments, forms or anything that you can use to demonstrate meeting some of the course assessment criteria. Please complete the Candidate Work Products Record Form to identify this evidence. |
Assignment 1
In about 1500 words using the Coursework Template explain who can be referred for assistance and the types of issues that might arise including those that might require immediate action? How might you address these issues and the implications of no action? Explain the effectiveness of your intervention and how this might vary with each client? How is your work and organisation affected by legislation, regulatory framework, professional and organisational requirements? Explain the consequences of non-compliance and not following procedures in place? Outline the role of networks available to you? Which criteria and conditions define the network? Explore the difficulties and barriers affecting networks? Review the different ways of minimising and addressing the barriers? End the assignment by giving recent examples of how you maintained personal contacts within networks, agreed terms regarding information required by members, worked to realistic timescales to Communication and Assessment Centre information, analysed feedback to improve participation and utilised systems for recording and exchanging information. |
Reflective Account
Using the reflective account template provided select one or two of your clients to explain and justify your interactions starting from the first appointment until the last. Identifying dates, discuss how you created a conducive environment, established ground rules, assessed needs, promoted choice, set agreements, recognised priorities, provided information, encourage provision of additional information, manage inappropriate information, provided opportunities to sustain your support and ensured quality assurance? Reflect on your planning, communication, use of technology, client needs, partnership working, reviews, resources, roles, responsibilities, ownership, responding to changing needs and signposting? As part of your discussion justify your methodology of imparting information, timing, identifying obstacles and overcoming them, administration and management skills and how you addressed power issues. Explain the procedures you followed including recording, storage of information and working within SMART objectives? |
Assignment 2
In about 1000 words using the Coursework Template provided write a brief description of your job role, organisation and the people you support? Evaluate the effect of own values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours on work role. Identify aspects of knowledge required by the service and provision. Evaluate your practice against these standards and identify areas for development. Outline the scope of evaluation expected from all employees of your service including agreed criteria and procedures. Make links to your current personal development plan and discuss how it fits in as part of evaluation. As part of your discussion explain how you utilise feedback, evaluate progress, utilised resources, awareness of boundaries, seek guidance and support. Please attach a copy of your personal development plan as part of your appendix. |
Optional Units
You need to discuss with your assessor regarding the assessment of all your optional units. |
Guided learning hours and Summative Statement
You will need to complete the Guided learning Log and attach all relevant evidence that supports your claim. Your work will not be signed off during quality assurance if your course participation is inadequate. Your portfolio will instead be forwarded to the external quality assurer for their opinion. This could result in a long time waiting for the opinion of the external quality assurer as they only normally visit us once a year. It is your responsibility to ensure you utilise all activities and opportunities available to you as already outlined above. Guided learning hours are only met when you interact with staff from Etutor Alliance regarding your course. Any other interaction with your colleagues and reading you do in private is usually classified as self study time unless your activities have been approved as part of your holistic assessment plan. You also need to ensure you have completed your part of the Assessor and Learner Summative Statement. Here you are expected to document your learner journey and highlight the course work you have completed. You also need to highlight the course activities you have participated in and outline anything you have learned. You need to end by making a statement why you believe you are competent and deserve the qualification. |
Portfolio of Evidence
Please ensure you refer to our documentation regarding building your portfolio of evidence. Your work might be rejected at quality assurer if it falls short of the standards expected. Your portfolio of evidence should be in a 4 ring binder, not loose papers or electronic files. Make sure you have laid out your portfolio of evidence using the portfolio index provided. All versions of your work and feedback forms from your assessor will need to be filed in your portfolio. Sign and Date all your files. You are responsible for completing the Evidence Record Forms using your feedback reports. Please seek guidance from your assessor if you require support with this. Ensure you respect confidentiality when preparing your work. We do not want to see your company and candidates personal details in the portfolios. Original copies of your assessments should be left with your candidates. Only copies should be submitted with your portfolio. Please hand in your portfolio of evidence in person or alternatively post your work by recorded delivery to our Stoke On Trent Office. Please hand in your portfolio of evidence to your assessor or post by recorded delivery to our Stoke On Trent Office. You should not address your portfolio to any member of staff. Not all assessors are office board. Etutor Alliance No certificates will be claimed for any candidate owing any fees. |