You have a number of roles and responsibilities as a registered manager. As a CQC registered manager, you have an important role in leading, managing and developing high-quality care services for people in England. You are the leader of your service and have the overall responsibility for providing a safe, caring, responsive and well-led service.
To ensure that you meet the requirements set out by the CQC for registered managers, you must have an awareness and understanding of the regulatory standards and the principles of the Health and Social Care Act 2008. Your responsibilities include:
You are responsible for setting the standards of care, leading your team to achieve and maintain high standards of care, and for creating a culture of caring and compassion. You need to maintain high standards in terms of safety, quality and efficiency of services and proactively seek feedback from service users, staff and other stakeholders on their experiences.
Risk Management
You need to be aware of the risks to people using your service, and must develop and implement risk management plans in order to minimise these risks. You must ensure that the service responds promptly to incidents and complaints, and that any necessary action is taken to keep people safe.
Organisational and Financial Management
You need to maintain an effective and efficient service, by developing robust strategies and systems for governance, staffing, training and development. You must also ensure that appropriate financial checks are in place, and that the service is compliant with the principles of good financial management.
Stakeholder Management
You must ensure that you respond to inquiries and concerns from service users, families, carers, staff and other stakeholders in a timely manner. You need to encourage feedback, and act promptly to investigate any complaints.
As a CQC registered manager you have a key role in delivering a high-quality service, and ensuring that people using the service are treated with respect and dignity. You are accountable for the overall performance of the service, and must ensure that the standards of care are maintained and that all necessary risk management measures are in place. The following lessons will explore some of the roles and responsibilities in detail.