Methodology and Systems

Your Progress


You should have systems in place to ensure you fully perform your quality assurance role. You should fully monitor all systems to ensure they are fit for purpose and effective.

Please remember that the systems in place should allow you to sample all aspects of your service. You should have a good sampling strategy which will ensure you check different units, assessment methods, and practice. It is also a good idea to sample different stages of the candidate’s work to ensure you address any issues earlier. There should therefore be methods to monitor the induction and assessment process.

Some of the methods you could use might include interviewing learners to find out about their experience with your services. You could interview the learners face to face or use any technology such as Skype or phone.

You could also observe your assessors when they are supporting their learners. This will allow you to see other skills which are not easy to see by reading a CV or going through certificates. For example how an assessor communicates and build rapport with their learners. You, however, have to be careful and ensure you do not influence the assessment process with your presence. Please do not give any feedback to the assessor in the presence of their learner as this could undermine their role. You could obviously also monitor the assessment records and evidence to ensure learning outcomes and the assessment criteria have been fully addressed.

Ineffective systems could result in you being accused of bias or unfairness should an assessor feel the methods in place continuously targets them. It is important for your sampling plan to be representative and strategically formulated. Ineffective systems might also result in you not detecting poor practice earlier. The worst thing is to leave an external quality assurer to pick up issues with your centre. It is your job to ensure you pick them first.