Your Progress
Portfolio of Evidence

Your course is assessed by a portfolio of evidence which has to be submitted for quality assurance. All quality assurance dates are published under “Events”. If your portfolio arrives late and misses the monthly quality assurance date it will be considered at the next quality assurance date.
All portfolios will need to be submitted electronically
Standardisation of your portfolio of evidence
Please use the portfolio index to compile your portfolio of evidence. You have two options when it comes to submitting your portfolio of evidence.
The first method
You can file everything externally and submit your work via ‘‘. Our email is “”.
When compiling your work externally please create different folders for all sections highlighted on your portfolio index. Ensure you file each of the documents highlighted on the portfolio index such as the example below:
You should maintain the structure highlighted on your portfolio index. We will not accept portfolios scanned as one file. We will also not accept files without any structure such as the example below:
Your work will be rejected if you do not follow our standardised procedures. There might also be significant delays getting your work moderated or certified.
The second method
You can also alternatively use our inbuilt filing system “My Evidence” which you can locate under “My VL” on Access.
Portfolio Paperwork
Please find below some of the documents you need for your portfolio of evidence: |
Your Responsibilities
1] Be aware of all monthly quality assurance dates published on Access under ‘Events’. 2] Ensure you submit your portfolio of evidence by 2pm on the published monthly quality assurance date. 3] Provide official confirmation of your identity (if you have not yet done so) 4] Ensure you include all versions of your work (It is important to demonstrate learning journey and evidence learning). 5] All your course work, forms, feedback reports and planners will need to be converted to pdf. 6] You need to sign and date the first page of all your coursework templates. Initials are acceptable for other pages. 7] Please ensure you include all feedback reports with each of your coursework. 8] Include all evidence of your learning to support your guided learning hours declaration. 9] Include all forms and documents highlighted on your portfolio index. All evidence should be signed and dated. 10] You are responsible for completing your Evidence Record Sheets, which you should also sign, and date. Please do not backdate your work. You need to use your feedback reports, portfolio index and or Progress Indicator (if applicable) to complete your Evidence Record Sheets. An example of a completed Evidence Record Sheet is found here. 11] You need to complete the ‘Course Completion Declaration Form‘. Here you are expected to discuss your learner journey and explain the assessment and course activities you participated in. You are also expected to identify what you have learned and declare your competency. 12] All video evidence should be submitted as mp4 files. All audio files should be submitted as mp3. Ensure any video evidence submitted clearly shows all participants and demonstrates all your interactions. The video should be an mp4 as advised above. 13] Please refer to the IQA Portfolio Check document to have an idea of the 10 areas quality assurers will check when you submit your portfolio as part of quality assurance. Please use this form to self assess and ensure the check will be successfully completed. 14] To refer to the guidance provided regarding your portfolio of evidence. You should seek support (if required) through the various mediums available such as forums, course support sessions and tutorials with building your portfolio. |
Quality Assurance Results
Quality Assurance can take up to two weeks depending on your course, the volume of work and the quality of your portfolio of evidence. Your assessor will let you know the outcome of quality assurance. Our admin sometimes shares this information on behalf of assessors when requested to do so.
No quality assurance results will be shared with you over the phone to avoid any confusion. Please do not ask or expect to speak with the quality assurer or manager directly about your results. Quality Assurance results are only passed to you by a written record and will clearly state if any actions apply or not.