
Coursework Template
You will need to use the Coursework Template when completing the assignments. Please do not change the document extension from (.doc).You will need to email your course work to your allocated assessor.

Presentation of Work
Use the Arial font, size 12 and use 1.5 spacing. Ensure you have included the assignment question you are responding to at the beginning of your work. The question has to be highlighted in bold.

Pitching your coursework
You need to use reflective writing to avoid being asked to complete separate reflective accounts! Your work should be full of examples from your work that demonstrates practice. You will be expected to evidence that you have carried out some research by including references from a number of sources. Your work should also demonstrate the ability to analyse, link to theory and regulations. Your ideas should ideally be supported by evidence based practice to reflect the level of study. Even when asked to explain you should be able to analyse and examine the assignment question from different perspectives?

Please pay due diligence to the quality of your work, Never assume the reader knows what you are discussing about? You have to fully explain everything and should avoid bullet points and listing unless you are requested to do so. Please avoid waffling and respond to the assessment task directly to avoid losing focus on the requirements of the task. You have to make everything clear and ensure you have responded to all parts of the assessment task! Although this course is assessed by a range of methods certain methods such as witness testimonies and professional discussions are only used to fill gaps and to reinforce what you have already written. Please do not expect this to be your main source of evidence!

Word Limit
Where there is a word count you can submit your work with a range plus or minus 200 words? Please ensure you state the number of words you have used at the end of the assignment! References are not counted.

Harvard Referencing
Harvard Referencing should always be used. Please do not include any graphs or images within the body of the assignment? You can include these as part of your bibliography after the references.

Coursework Drafts
Coursework drafts are not appropriate for this level of study. Any work submitted as a draft will be assessed as a final submission. You should not submit more than three assignments within a period of two weeks without the approval of your assessor? Doing so might indicate you are not meeting the guided learning hours associated with each assignment.

Feedback Turn Around
There is currently a 7 working days feedback turn around period for each assignment. The 7 days are counted from the first Monday and exclude Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays. The time period is extended if you submit substantial work at one time and can be up to 8 weeks. You are advised to, therefore, submit your work as you go along and this will also demonstrate learning over a period of time. There might also be delays with your feedback where the candidate has not engaged in any course activities. In this case, our 7 working days feedback time scale does not apply as we might seek to verify the authenticity of your work and might need to refer your work to our quality assurance department or make checks with external sources. You, therefore, need to ensure you participate in course activities.