Care Value Base

As a care worker, you have certain responsibilities towards your clients. The Care value Base is a set of principles that all care workers must adhere to in all dealings with clients. It is a theoretical framework which promotes good practice within health and social care. It provides carers with a common set of values and principles within which to work. The care value base addresses the following:

  • To foster people€™s rights and responsibilities. These include rights such as that to be different, freedom from discrimination, confidentiality, choice, dignity, effective communication, safety and security
  • To foster equality and diversity of people. This includes understanding common assumptions such as those which surround gender, race, age, sexuality, disability and class and understanding prejudice, stereotyping and labelling and their effects. It is important to understand one€™s own beliefs, assumptions and prejudice and in addition to this the benefits of diversity.
  • To maintain the confidentiality of information. This involves using the legal framework included in the Data Protection Acts 1998, GDPR and the Access to Personal Files Act 1987. Policies and procedures relating to confidentiality are implemented to value and protect the rights of a client.