Essential Skills

Your Progress


You have to have a range of skills, some of which are reflected below in order for you to fully exectute your role as an internal quality assurer. The ability to lead, manage, negotiate and have interpersonal skills will take you a lony way. You might find your self having to negotiate to balanace the needs of awarding bodies, customers and your own organisational needs.

As a quality assurer, you are expected to embrace technology and explore how it might enhance the quality assurance process. You might consider using learning management systems which can help you to keep an eye on the support given to learners. Other technology such as Skype might be used to interview learners or observe your assessor’s practice.

As already stated earlier , your role involves leadership and management. You need to fully understand the concept of cost effectiveness while at the same time providing quality services. You should encourage your assessors to have autonomy, good communication skills and be committed to team work, career management , information handling and critical thinking. You should encourage your staff to have basic minimum core skills (language, literacy, numeracy and IT) and be committed to continuous career delevepoment. Your staff should clearly understand all your compliance procedures and your obligations as an organisation. They should fully understand the assessment and quality assurance process. It will also be a good idea to ensure that your assessors clearly separate their role away from admin duties for example when it comes to enforcing company policies.