Your Progress
It is impossible for you to fully execute the role of an internal quality assurer without the help of others. You have the acknowledge the role which everybody plays. Starting from your assessors and supporting staff working within your organisation and contributing to internal quality assurance.
You are expected as part of the standards to understand and know the roles and responsibilities of all key players. The assessor’s job is to support learners and ensure they have demonstrated skills that reflect learning outcomes and assessment criteria. Your role as the internal quality assurer is to support your assessors to ensure they adequately perform their duties and create a conducive learning environment.
As a quality assurer, you will also come in contact with learners. You should, however, be careful not to participate in the assessment process as this will compromise your position and make yourself ineligible from moderating any work associated with the learners. There is; however, nothing stopping you from giving peer advice. You, however, have to be careful and avoid undermining your assessors by making inappropriate interventions.
Besides the support you have within your organisation, you also have to acknowledge external sources such as external quality assurers. External quality assurers perform a similar role as yourself except that they work for the awarding body and help with regulating centres. External quality assurers ensure that you are maintaining the conditions of your registration as a centre and performing quality assurance duties which ensure the safety of qualifications. External quality assurers should not be feared as their main role is to support you and your Centre. is also a good source of support for yourself as they will be able to advise on a number of wide assurance processes. like other professional qualifications you would see that networking with others is a key feature to ensure needs are met and improve the shards. Networking is also a good source of learning and
Quality Assurance like other professions requires you to network with others to ensure needs are met and improve the standards. Networking is also a good source of learning and improving your practice.