Reading List
Castle P & Buckler S (2009) How to be a Successful Teacher London SAGE Publications Ltd
Gravells A (2013) The Award in Education and Training London Learning Matters
Gravells A (2013) Passing Assessments for The Award in Education and Training London Learning Matters
Gravells A (2012) Achieving your TAQA Assessor and Internal Quality Assurer Award Exeter Learning Matters
Gravells A & Simpson S (2012) Equality and Diversity in the Lifelong Learning Sector (2nd Edn) London Learning Matters
Gravells A (2012) What is Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector? London Learning Matters
Kidd W & Czerniawski G (2010) Successful Teaching 14-19 London SAGE Publications Ltd
Ofqual (2009) Authenticity – A Guide for Teachers. Coventry: Ofqual.
Peart S & Atkins L (2011) Teaching 14-19 Learners in the Lifelong Learning Sector Exeter Learning Matters
Powell S & Tummons J (2011) Inclusive Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector Exeter Learning Matters
Read H (2011) The Best Assessor’s Guide Bideford Read On Publications
Reece I and Walker S (2007) Teaching, Training and Learning: A Practical Guide (6th Ed) Tyne & Wear Business Education Publishers
Vizard D (2012) How to Manage Behaviour in Further Education London Sage Publications Ltd
Wallace S (2007) Managing Behaviour in the Lifelong Learning Sector Exeter Learning Matters
Wallace S (2011) Teaching, Tutoring and Training in the Lifelong Learning Sector (4th Edn) Exeter Learning Matters