Record Keeping

Your Progress


Without evidence it did not take place. Your role as an internal quality assurer requires you to be diligent when it comes to recording and keeping records.

You might find it hard to prove a learner has been supported if there are no records to prove this. You might end up failing all sorts of legal problems if there are issues with your record keeping. There might be courses where it will be vital to record attendance records. There are risks of serious sanctions if there are issues with your recording from Awarding bodies or other relevant regulators.

Record keeping play a major role as they help with planning and make it easy to assess threads and carry out evaluation. For example , if you discover your enrolments are mainly from a certain sector, it might be worthwhile to target that sector more to drum up more business. You might also adjust your resources to make them more appropriate for the specialist sector.

Record keeping will also enable you to fully execute your role as a quality assurer as you will be able to sample learners evidence and monitor your assessors records. Good fashioned recording might also pick problems earlier during the assessment process with your assessor, learners or both. For example you could intervene when a learner continuously misses assessment activities. You could also see areas where your assessors might require more support.


Remember not to just make records, they have to be accurate and credible. Ensure your assessors are encouraging candidates to sign and date their work. Please do not back date the work as this might affect the quality of recording.