
Your Progress


You will be expected to make a sampling plan. This should highlight dates, type of quality assurance and names of assessors. Depending on your centre you might have interim (at the beginning of the course) and summative (end of the course) sampling. Your sample should cover all learners on a course and all staff members.

If a new assessor has been assigned to the course, all his/her work should be internally verified 100% until you are confident about their practice. Good practice also state that the sampling ratio of a new course should also be higher. Some centres are known to use the traffic system (Red for new assessors, Amber for those with little experience and Green for those with experience).

You will need to know the units and learners whose work you will moderate. Your job is to determine if the assessment criteria have been interpreted correctly. You also check for fairness, consistence, and comment on the quality of feedback and support provided. Assessment decisions should be based on the assessment criteria. As part of sampling you should also comment on the quality of records and assessment methods. It will also be a good idea to sample where reasonable adjustment and special arrangements have taken place.