
Committed to Supporting You
One of the features of this course is the need for us as the training provider to deliver, embed inclusion principles (providing learning opportunities and resources) and support. You in turn, as the candidate, have to prove that you have engaged and participated in course activities (meet learning outcomes, and guided learning hours) and have just not completed coursework.

Guided learning hours are only met when you interact with a member of staff. They can also be met by attending workshops, tutorials, observations, responding to feedback, completing planners and learning logs.

We, therefore, need to work in partnership to meet these requirements. Failure to meet these requirements will risk your portfolio of evidence not being signed off.

In line with our service level agreement, Assessors have the right not to assess your work if you do not participate in course activities.

Support is provided through the following mediums:
support icons

Office Opening Hours
Our normal office opening hours are from 10 am to 4 pm (Monday to Friday).

Online Chat
We also operate a complimentary online chat system based on ad-hoc hours which can at times stretch up to 11 pm. The online chat is normally available during our office hours.

Admin Support
Our admin team is available during our office hours. They are responsible for dealing with issues regarding access, payments, extensions, appeals, extenuating circumstances, complaints, general matters, and acknowledging receipt of your portfolio of evidence. Due to GDPR and organisational policies, certain information can not be shared over the telephone. You might be requested to put your request in writing by email.

Assessor (Tutor) Support
Each candidate is allocated an assessor who is also their tutor. Your assessor will support you regarding assessment matters and quality assurance matters. They will provide guidance and assist you to achieve your qualification. You will be expected to inform your assessor as soon as possible if there are issues affecting your progress.

Assessors will regularly carry out tutorials as part of their normal assessment practice. For example, you could be asked to get in touch for a tutorial after being given feedback. Candidates should, however, be aware that tutorials are not an alternative to participating in other course activities. They are also not to be used to discuss assignments and coach you to pass.

Please use this site to communicate with your assessor any time. Where you are assessed by portfolio, you will be expected to communicate and submit your work there instead. In this case, this site should only be used for reference.

If you would like a tutorial, please make sure you book an appointment by providing at least five dates and times when you are free. Your assessor will attempt to match one of the dates and times.

Forums and Web Conferences
You should start to use the forums by introducing your self and respond to topics. The forums and the web conferences are the main sources of course delivery, peer learning and meeting guided learning hours.

Please remember your course is not just about completing coursework. All the assessment criteria come with Learning Outcomes. You will, therefore, need to demonstrate that learning has taken place over a sufficient time. You will need to focus on both participating in course activities and completing coursework.