Using Access

Welcome to Access, the home of Etutor Alliance distance and blended learning courses.  We have tried to make this site plain, simple and user friendly.  To successfully complete your course you need to evidence meeting the assessment criteria and learning outcomes.  They should be evidence of participating in class activities and meeting guided learning hours. You need to start by understanding the menu in order to navigate and find information.



My VL contains information regarding accessing courses, course tasks, payments, quality assurance dates and forms. You should be able to access the course you have enrolled on from “My Courses”. All initial assessment forms can be accessed from “Getting Started”. You will need to click on the course title to fully access your enrolled course, resources and coursework.

Communication and Assessment Centre

Communication and Assessment Centre is the second most important part of the menu.  As the name suggests this is where you collaborate and Communication and Assessment Centre ideas with your assessor. Communication and Assessment Centre will allow you to submit your assignments, images, and any other documentation. You will be able to see targets, tasks and assessment plans. You will also be able to comment, respond and open discussions with our staff including your assessor and admin. The platform will also help you to record all key activities, which will be part of your assessment and learning.


Next to Communication and Assessment Centre is Appointments where you can book tutorials with your assessor. You can also use Appointments to arrange support sessions with the admin team.


You are required to participate on the forums as part of peer learning. Staff will also be available to provide support, which will be part of your evidence towards meeting, guided learning hours.


Next after forums is the Events calendar where you be able to book on any upcoming events.


Sessions is still being developed and anticipated to replace Zoom for our web conferences and live sessions.


This is the page where we will publish generic popular help topics such as this page. To complement the help feature you should be able to also access our  “Feedback” system on the right hand side, bottom of this page. Feedback allows you to take screenshots of the site and report any issues with the site. Our chat system can also be accessed from the same location next to “Feedback”.

feedback and chat image